Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Krista Marino on Writing for Teen Boys...

Delacorte Press editor Krista Marino gave an interesting session on writing for the ever-reluctant young male reader. Krista acknowledged the fact that boys and girls not only have different biology, but also different socialization and ways of learning. So how does a writer capture an audience that doesn't want to sit still and read a novel?

In a nutshell, Krista advocates creating protagonists who boys can identify with, characters from varying ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds, and have these characters deal with common adolescent issues. If readers can identify with a character, it affirms their identity. Also, create an authentic teen experience by creating believable dialogue, even if it means hanging out at teen haunts and eavesdropping on them. Pace is also important. Books for this audience need to move fast--"quiet," too cerebral book are not likely to engage boys.

Here are some recommended books that Krista read from during the presentation:

P.S. Krista Marino was named the SCBWI Member of the Year at the Golden Kite Luncheon later in the conference.

1 comment:

Ruby Shamsky said...

How do I reach Krista Marino at Delacorte Press? I saw her present at the SCBWI August 2006 conference and would like to submit my middle grade manuscript to her. Also, is it considered appropriate to submit an entire manuscript to an agent or editor who attended an SCBWI if I attended too? (I've heard that it might be all right to do so...)


Ruby Shamsky (member of SCBWI)