Our "Corny" Office Party, Plus the Nati's Favorite Passtime (Besides Eating Chili)...
Every month or two one department of my company is in charge of throwing a party. These shindigs take place for an hour and a half during a workday and they always have a theme. (Some of my favorites: pie, the '80s, Halloween, Office Space).
Today our party was all about corn. We had popcorn and corn pudding and cornbread and corn chips. And most importantly, there was cornhole. (Note: please do not Google "cornhole," especially while you're at the work.)
Cornhole has been very popular on the west side of Cincinnati for quite a while. Being a lifetime east-sider, I am not that well versed in it. (I generally don't go to the west side. I'm not even sure how to get there.) Over that last decade or so, however, the game of cornhole has moved beyond the west side and invaded the entire tri-state area, and, I'm told, versions of it are played in other mid-Western cities. There are leagues and tournaments and you'll find cornhole sets in back yards and culdesacs in every Nati suburb.
Here are the basics: Two teams of two players take turns throwing half a dozen cornbags (like beanbags only filled with corn) with the goal of getting the bags through the holes in the angled platforms at either end. And as with horseshoes, almost counts.

of the local cornhole set artisans decorate the platforms
with team logos such as this one with the Reds logo.

today's cornhole tournament. (Sadly, his team didn't win.)
So now you know what we do here in the Nati when we're not eating three ways, goetta, or ice cream with impossibly big chips. For official cornhole rules, you can visit the American Cornhole Association. (Yep, there is one.)
And please enjoy this trailer for Cornhole: The Movie.
Reading this was like a virtual visit to the midwest!
Thanks for the slice of life (and love the action shot!)
Alice- I LOVEd that post!
We play this every weekend when attending, unm, uh, Oregon State Football games.
well, you know.
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