Stephen King on Rowling and Meyer...
In case you haven't heard (or read), our pal Stephen King has been flapping his gums with USA Weekend and recently had this to say about J.K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyer:
"Both Rowling and Meyer, they’re speaking directly to young people. ... The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can’t write worth a darn. She’s not very good."King went on to talk about other terribly successful terrible writers, as well as a few he admires.
There's always a bit of backlash of what's wildly popular (in the book world and otherwise). There sure was a lot of Rowling backlash. (I remember lots of talk about her over-adverb-ing.) King has had his share of this sort of thing as well. But I wonder why he would bother criticizing Meyer. Trashing the current queen of bestsellerdom is certainly a good way to get his name all over the blogosphere, but Stephen King doesn't exactly need the publicity, as he's just helped launched the new Amazon Kindle.
I have never read a book by Rowling, Meyer or King so I can't offer an opinion on their prose. I can offer an opinion on King's statement: I think it's kinda mean.
While we're on a Twilight-related subject. Check out my new t-shirt (which is not mean--just funny):

okay, that tee shirt was funny.
and poor Stephen. I DO love him, so I'll just keep my little opinion to myself. :-) (He seems to put his foot in his mouth- just like I tend to do...)
king knows of what he speaks...
love the tee ;) lol
I want that shirt.
They have a girl and a guy version of the shirt for sale. I laughed so hard when I saw it. (I am a huge fan of Buffy.)
It's strange King would trash Meyer, however, everyone has a right to their own opinion. I doubt it will do anything to Meyer's sales. Young people are completely hooked by her characters, fast pacing, and appealing "bad boy" Edward.
I think it's kind of mean, too.
There has been a lot of tongue lashings lately.
Cheers to Free speech and thick skin.
Great tee!
That T-shirt is wonderful!
My first laugh of the morning.
I do like the tee...I'm not a big graphic wearer, but fun.
Well I have read books by King and I like his work. I have never read the others so I cant comment on them but I do agree with Vodka Mom, King does seem to put his foot in his mouth.
King is a professional in the business, not only in that he writes horror fiction himself-- but also wrote a bestselling book, often credited by serious writers, called On Writing. I don't think his opinion on her is mean at all. Writers are used to criticism, or should get there quickly; it doesn't stop once one is published. And everyone is entitled a right to their own opinion, I think-- especially one coming from an expert in the field.
Maybe I'm biased, because I do agree with him about Meyers' work, but it seems to me that maybe, what we need, is a bit more honest criticism and less hurt feelings.
And I love that t-shirt.
You've never read anything by Rowling or Meyer? Was that a typo? How can you write about children's writing if you haven't read two of the best-selling children's books in the past 10 years?
Hi Alice,
I have read all three authors. I like all three, altho, I must say that King's my least favorite since he gets really gross. That's I suppose his trade mark.
I think one has to read both Rowling and Meyer to say much. I've read the Harry Potter books multiple times and absolutely fell in love with them.
I'm reading Twilight for second time--to dicect, of course. The fist time I read it to find something wrong with it (and was miffed that I found that I liked it for the most part, until the end). Other than it begins very gloomily (ha, I like the ly-thing), I couldn't help but get into it. Her pacing is well done, and I didn't have a big problem with the plot. It was quite simple, really.
I am a big fan of vampire fiction/movies. Consiquently I thought King's 'Salems' Lot rather sucked, no pun intended. The movie also was stupid. So, if King somehow reads this he'll probably have a few nasty things to say about me, once my book gets noticed [Spell of the Black Unicorn].
I love the T shirt!
Lorelei Bell
Stephen King is an amazing writer and creates his scenes by using a lot of words, some of which are necessary, and some of which are redundant. Meyer is succinct, but still completely pleasurable to read. I'd say both are highly talented people with two completely different styles. Either way, 50 million Elvis fans can't be wrong. I think King is risking alienating his future audience.
OMG - that T-shirt is HILARIOUS! I want one :-)
Glad to have found your blog! I'm taking a class on publishing/writing for children at UBC and the teacher recommended we get your book. Though I have the Writers Market, didn't have your book. Then, coincidently see the reference on my Writers Market emal to your blog!
So here I am.
I am a bit suprised that you haven't read these three authors too. I've been meaning to, but I don't read that much horror. I think I read King, but I've forgotten about it. I also read some Anne Rice years ago, and found her descriptions of New Orleans wonderful, but the culmination of giving birth to Satan and him running amok just seemed ridiculous.
I can say that my daughters are the pros on JK and Twilight et al. My one daughter (13) seems to agree with King as she has read all of JK and the Twilight series and says the Potter series is way better. My older daughter (14) wont even read Twilight as she is just that loyal to the Potter story and she thinks the movies look dumb and overmarketed.
You really have never read a Harry Potter book???
You really would only need to read the first chapter of each of those author's books - Rowling and Meyer - to see the vast difference in writing style and capabilities. There's really no comparison, except that they've both made the bestsellers list.
Honestly, I read the first 300 pages of Twilight and just couldn't read anymore. But it seems that I am the only person on the planet that didn't get swept away by this series....To each their own. :)
The t-shirt is a crack-up.
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