Tuesday, June 05, 2007

BEA: Serendipity Part 2...

I was excited when I found out Rose Kent was signing at BEA. Rose is featured in the upcoming 2008 CWIM’s First Books piece for her debut, Kimchi & Calamari. It’s always exciting to get to meet authors I’ve interviewed in person. BEA was Rose’s very first book signing. (Her publisher started her out big!) Here’s Rose at the signing table.

Before I met Rose, I was standing there waiting for the autograph line to open and struck up a conversation with the person behind me. Her name seemed familiar, so I ask her what she’d written. “I’m Jeannine Garsee,” she said. “I wrote Before, After and Somebody in Between. You critiqued my manuscript at a conference. My book is coming out soon from Bloomsbury.” How exiting is that! (Note: I am not in any way taking credit for Jeannine’s upcoming publication. It’s just very cool to hear she had success. And with a great publisher like Bloomsbury, no less!)

Jeannine and Rose are both members of the Class of 2k7, and had never met in person. Read more about the Class of 2k7 in the 2008 CWIM. (Notice how I’m working in all these teasers!)

1 comment:

Jeannine Garsee said...

Thanks, Alice!