New Writer's Digest Event at the WD HQ...With the help of Greg the Conference Guy we've cooked up a new event for writers that will take place in the Writer's Digest offices in Cincinnati (home to my messy gray cubicle).
Here's the scoop:
Writer’s Digest University: Editors’ Intensive
what: Your chance to learn first-hand from publishing experts.
when: December 13-14, 2008
where: WD HQ, 4700 E. Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, OH
how (much): Single Admission Cost: $199
This is something we've been asked about for years, so we've finally decided to open our doors for a publishing event, featuring panel discussions and manuscript critiques. Participating editors include:
- Jane Friedman--Publisher & Editorial Director, Writer’s Digest
- Chuck Sambuchino--Editor, Guide to Literary Agents and Screenwriter's & Playwright's Market
- Joe Stollenwerk--Director,
- Alice Pope--me--Editor, Children’s Writer’s & Illustrator’s Market and Novel & Short Story Writer's Market
Participants will also get to meet one-on-one with a WD editor who will provide a critique of either your query letter and proposal package (up to 50 pages), or the first 50 pages of your manuscript—plus offer a customized list of possible markets for your work.
The event, which is limited to 50 attendees, also features door prizes and an on-site bookstore with special discounts and sales. Plus, you’ll take home fun freebies that include a subscription to and a WD Writer’s Resource CD.
Click here for more information and to register.
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