2008 CWIM Publisher Updates...In my January CWIM newsletter (which may or may not have mailed by the time you read this) I included a list of publishers who have given me updates to their info for CWIM. As promised in the newsletter (click here to subscibe) here are their complete, up-to-date listings.
P.O. Box 140934, Austin TX 78714. Estab. 2000. (512)921-8846. Fax: (512)873-7710. E-mail: email@bloomingtreepress.com. Web site: www.bloomingtreepress.com. Publisher: Miriam Hees; Madeline Smoot, senior editor, children's division; Kay Pluta, associate editor, children's division; Anna Herrington, associate editor, children's division; Debbie Smart, editorial assistant, children's division; Bradford Hees, senior editor, graphic novels/comics. Art Acquisitions: Regan Johnson, art director. "Blooming Tree Press is dedicated to producing high quality book for the young and the young at heart. It is our hope that you will find your dreams between that pages of our books."
Fiction Picture books: adventure, animal, contemporary, fantasy, folktales, history, humor, multicultural, religion, science fiction, special needs, sports. Young readers: adventure, animal, contemporary, fantasy, folktales, history, humor, multicultural, religion, science fiction, special needs, sports, suspense. Middle readers: adventure, animal, anthology, contemporary, fantasy, folktales, history, humor, multicultural, poetry, religion, science fiction, suspense. Young adults/teens: adventure, animal, anthology, contemporary, fantasy, folktales, history, humor, religion, science fiction, suspense. Average word length: picture books--500-1,000; young readers--800-9,000; middle readers--25,000-40,000; young adult/teens: 40,000-70,000. Recently published Jessica McBean, Tap Dance Queen, by Carole Gerger, illustrated by Patrice Barton (chapter book about teasing); One-Eyed Jack, by Paula Miller, illustrated by Chris Forrest (mid-grade about a boy and his dog in 1880s Montana); Summer Shorts, by multiple authors and illustrators (mid-grade stories about summer); Kichi in Jungle Jeopardy, by Lila Guzman, illustrations by Regan Johnson (middle grade about a talking dog in the Mayan temples.
Nonfiction Picture Books: biography, cooking, geography, history, self help, social issues, special needs, sports. Young Readers: animal, biography, careers, cooking, geography, history, music/dance, religion, science, self help, social issues, special needs, sports. Middle Readers: biography, cooking, geography, history, how-to, music/dance, religion, science, self help, social issues, sports. Young Adults/Teens: biography, careers, cooking, geography, history, hobbies, music/dance, religion, science, self help, social issues, sports.
How to Contact/Writers Fiction/nonfiction: "Accepting agented, conference attendee and personally requested submissions. For unsolicited submissions check Web site for dates of unsolicited submission times throughout the year. Do not send unsolicited submissions unless it is during a specified submission time period."
Illustration Works with 6-20 illustrators/year. Send illustration samples to Regan Johnson, publisher. Samples not returned; sample filed for future projects.
Terms Pays authors royalty of 10% depending on the project. Pays illustrators by the project. Authors see galleys for review; illustrators see dummies. Send e-mail with mailing address for catalog. Writer's guidelines on Web site.
Tips "During submission times follow the guidelines listed on our Web site. Send a crisp and clean one-page query letter stating your project, why it is right for the market, and a little about yourself. Write what you know, not what's 'in.' Remember, every great writer/illustrator started somewhere. Keep submitting . . . don't ever give up."
425 Madison Ave., New York NY 10017. (212)688-0085. Fax: (212)421-6134. Web site: www.holidayhouse.com. Estab. 1935. Book publisher. Vice President/Editor-in-Chief: Mary Cash. Acquisitions: Acquisitions Editor. Art Director: Claire Counihan. Publishes 35 picture books/year; 3 young readers/year; 15 middle readers/year; 8 young adult titles/year. 20% of books by first-time authors; 10% from agented writers. Mission Statement: "To publish high-quality books for children."
Fiction All levels: adventure, contemporary, fantasy, folktales, ghost, historical, humor, literary, multicultural, school, suspense/mystery, sports. Recently published Jazz, by Walter Dean Myers, illustrated by Christopher Myers; Keeper of Soles, by Teresa Bateman, illustrated by Yayo; Freedom Walkers, by Russell Freedman.
Nonfiction All levels, but more picture books and fewer middle-grade nonfiction titles: animal, biography, concept, contemporary, geography, historical, math, multicultural, music/dance, nature/environment, religion, science, social issues.
How to Contact/Writers Send queries only to editor. Responds to queries in 3 months; mss in 4 months. "If we find your book idea suits our present needs, we will notify you by mail." Once a ms has been requested, the writers should send in the exclusive submission, with a SASE, otherwise the ms will not be returned.
Illustration Works with 35 illustrators/year. Reviews ms illustration packages from artists. Send ms with dummy. Do not submit original artwork or slides. Color photocopies or printed samples are preferred. Responds only if interested. Samples filed.
Terms Pays authors and illustrators an advance against royalties. Originals returned at job's completion. Book catalog, ms/artist's guidelines available for a SASE.
Tips "We need books with strong stories, writing and art. We do not publish board books or novelties. No easy readers."
Imprint of Scholastic, Inc., 557 Broadway, New York NY 10012. (212)343-4436. Fax: (212)343-4890. Web site: www.arthuralevinebooks.com. Acquisitions: Arthur A. Levine, editorial director; Cheryl Klein, senior editor. Publishes approximately 8 picture books/year; 8 full-length works for middle grade and young adult readers/year. Approximately 25% of books by first-time authors.
Fiction Recently published The Arrival, by Shaun Tan (graphic novel); The Nutcracker Doll, by Mary Newell DePalma (picture book); The Book of Time, by Guillaume Prévost, trans. by William Rodarmor (novel); The Spell Book of Listen Taylor, by Jaclyn Moriarty (novel); and Wilderness, by Roddy Doyle (novel).
Nonfiction Recently published The Secret World of Hildegard, by Jonah Winter and Jeanette Winter (picture book); Dizzy, by Jonah Winter and Sean Qualls (picture book); and The Adventures of Marco Polo, by Russell Freedman and Bagram Ibatoulline (picture book).
How to Contact/Writers Fiction/nonfiction: Accepts queries only. Responds to queries in 1 month; mss in 5 months. Publishes a book 1½ years after acceptance.
Illustration Works with 8 illustrators/year. Will review ms/illustration packages from artists. Query first. Illustrations only: Send postcard sample with tearsheets. Samples not returned.
Imprint of Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York NY 10020. (212)698-7000. Web site: www.simonsayskids.com. Publisher: Vice President, Associate Publisher Emma D. Dryden. Acquisitions: Karen Wojtyla, executive editor; Lisa Cheng, associate editor; Sarah Payne, editorial assistant. Art Acquisitions: Ann Bobco, executive art director. Imprint of Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division. Publishes 12 picture books/year; 5-8 middle readers/year; 8-10 young adult titles/year. 10% of books by first-time authors; 50% of books from agented writers. "Margaret K. McElderry Books publishes original hardcover trade books for children from pre-school age through young adult. This list includes picture books, middle grade and teen fiction, poetry, and fantasy. The style and subject matter of the books we publish is almost unlimited. We do not publish textbooks, coloring and activity books, greeting cards, magazines, pamphlets, or religious publications."
Fiction All levels. "Always interested in publishing humorous picture books, original beginning reader stories, and strong poetry." Average word length: picture books--500; young readers--2,000; middle readers--10,000-20,000; young adults--45,000-50,000. Recently published Bear Feels Sick, by Karma Wilson, illustrated by Jane Chapman (picture book); Birdsongs, by Betsy Franco, illustrated by Steve Jenkins (picture book); Hey Batta Batta Swing!, by Sally Cook and Jim Charlton, illustrated by Ross MacDonald (picture book); Questors, by Joan Lennon (middle grade); City of Bones, by Cassandra Clare (debut teen); America at War, by Lee Bennett Hopkins, illustrated by Stephen Alcorn (poetry).
How to Contact/Writers Send query letters with SASE for picture books; send synopsis and first 3 chapters or first 30 pages with SASE for novels. Responds to queries in 1-2 month; mss in 3-4 months. Publishes a book 24-36 months after acceptance. Will consider simultaneous queries from previously unpublished authors and those submitted to other publishers, "though we request that the author let us know it is a simultaneous query." Please do not call to query or follow up.
Illustration Works with 20-30 illustrators/year. Query with samples, resume, tearsheets. Contact: Ann Bobco, executive art director, Design Dept., 4th Floor. Samples filed. Responds only if interested.
Terms Pays authors royalty based on retail price. Pays illustrator royalty of by the project. Pays photographers by the project. Original artwork returned at job's completion. Manuscript guidelines for #10 SASE with one first-class stamp.
Tips "We're looking for strong, original fiction, especially mysteries and middle grade humor. We are always interested in picture books for the youngest age reader. Study our titles."
175 Fifth Ave., New York NY 10010. (212)375-7149. Manuscript/Art Acquisitions: Simon Boughton, publisher. Editorial Director, Neal Porter Books: Neal Porter. Executive Editor: Nancy Mercado. Senior Editor: Dierdre Langeland. Publishes approximately 70 titles/year. 1% of books by first-time authors. This publisher's goal is "to publish distinctive high-quality children's literature for all ages. To be a great place for authors to be published. To provide personal attention and a focused and thoughtful publishing effort for every book and every author on the list."
- Roaring Brook Press is an imprint of MacMillan, a group of companies that includes Henry Holt and Farrar, Straus & Giroux. Roaring Brook is not accepting unsolicited manuscripts.
How to Contact/Writers Primarily interested in agented material. Not accepting unsolicited mss or queries. Will consider simultaneous agented submissions.
Illustration Primarily interested in agented material. Works with 25 illustrators/year. Illustrations only: Query with samples. Do not send original art; copies only through the mail. Samples returned with SASE.
Photography Works on assignment only.
Terms Pays authors royalty based on retail price. Pays illustrators royalty or flat fee depending on project. Sends galleys to authors; dummies to illustrators, if requested.
Tips "You should find a reputable agent and have him/her submit your work."
1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York NY 10020. (212)698-7000. Fax: (212)698-2796. Web site: www.simonsayskids.com. Manuscript Acquisitions: Justin Chanda, associate publisher; David Gale, vice president, editorial director; Kevin Lewis, executive editor; Paula Wiseman, vice president, editorial director, Paula Wiseman Books. Art Acquisitions: Dan Potash, vice president, creative director. Publishes 95 books/year. "We publish high-quality fiction and nonfiction for a variety of age groups and a variety of markets. Above all we strive to publish books that will offer kids a fresh perspective on their world."
- Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers does not accept unsolicited manuscripts. Queries are accepted via mail.
Nonfiction Picture books: concept. All levels: narrative, current events, biography, history. "We're looking for picture book or middle grade nonfiction that have a retail potential. No photo essays." Recently published Insiders Series (picture book nonfiction, all ages).
How to Contact/Writers Accepting query letters only; please note the appropriate editor. Responds to queries/mss in 3-4 months. Publishes a book 2 years after acceptance. Will not consider simultaneous submissions.
Illustration Works with 70 illustrators/year. Do not submit original artwork. Editorial reviews ms/illustration packages from artists. Submit query letter to Submissions Editor. Illustrations only: Query with samples; samples filed. Provide promo sheet, tearsheets. Responds only if interested.
Terms Pays authors royalty (varies) based on retail price. Pays illustrators or photographers by the project or royalty (varies) based on retail price. Original artwork returned at job's completion. Manuscript/artist's guidelines available via Web site or free on request. Call (212)698-2707.
Tips "We're looking for picture books centered on a strong, fully-developed protagonist who grows or changes during the course of the story; YA novels that are challenging and psychologically complex; also imaginative and humorous middle-grade fiction. And we want nonfiction that is as engaging as fiction. Our imprint's slogan is 'Reading You'll Remember.' We aim to publish books that are fresh, accessible and family-oriented; we want them to have an impact on the reader."
An imprint of Ideals Publications, 535 Metroplex Drive, Suite 250, Nashville TN 37211. Web site: www.idealsbooks.com. Manuscript and Art Acquisitions: Williamson Books Submission. Publishes 6-10 titles/year. 50% of books by first-time authors; 10% of books from agented authors. Publishes "very successful nonfiction series (Kids Can!® Series) on subjects such as history, science, arts/crafts, geography, diversity, multiculturalism. Successfully launched Little Hands® series for ages 2-6, Kaleidoscope Kids® series (age 7 and up) and Quick Starts for Kids! ® series (ages 8 and up). "Our goal is to help every child fulfill his/her potential and experience personal growth."
Nonfiction Hands-on active learning books, animals, African-American, arts/crafts, Asian, biography, diversity, careers, geography, health, history, hobbies, how-to, math, multicultural, music/dance, nature/environment, Native American, science, writing and journaling. Does not want to see textbooks, picture books, fiction. "Looking for all things African American, Asian American, Hispanic, Latino, and Native American including crafts and traditions, as well as their history, biographies, and personal retrospectives of growing up in U.S. for grades pre-K-8th. We are looking for books in which learning and doing are inseparable." Recently published Making Amazing Art, by Sandi Henry, illustrated by Sarah Cole (ages 7-13); Kids Care, by Rebecca Olien, illustrated by Michael Kline (ages 7-12); Super Science Concoctions, by Jill Frankel Hauser, illustrated by Michael Kline (ages 6-12).
How to Contact/Writers Query with annotated TOC/synopsis and 1 sample chapter. Responds to queries/mss in 4 months. Publishes book "about 1 year" after acceptance. Writers may send a SASE for guidelines or e-mail.
Illustration Works with at least 6 illustrators and 6 designers/year. "We're interested in expanding our illustrator and design freelancers." Uses primarily b&w artwork and 2-color and 4-color. Responds only if interested. Samples returned with SASE; samples filed.
Photography Buys photos from freelancers; uses archival art and photos.
Terms Pays authors advance against future royalties based on wholesale price or purchases outright. Pays illustrators by the project. Pays photographers per photo. Sends galleys to authors.
Tips "Please do not send any fiction or picture books of any kind--those should go to Ideals Children's Books. Look at our books to see what we do. We're interested in interactive learning books with a creative approach packed with interesting information, written for young readers ages 3-7 and 8-14. In nonfiction children's publishing, we are looking for authors with a depth of knowledge shared with children through a warm, embracing style. Our publishing philosophy is based on the idea that all children can succeed and have positive learning experiences. Children's lasting learning experiences involve their participation."
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