Thursday, March 01, 2007

More Scrotum Talk: Susan Patron on NPR...

I left work a little early yesterday to go to the gym, and when I started my car, the radio came on, and guess the first word I heard? That's right: scrotum--from the mouth of NPR Talk of the Nation host Neal Conan. That word is enjoying a lot of big press these days--after the Higher Power of Lucky scrotum scandal broke, the story appeared on the front page of The New York Times. Below the fold, but, still--the front page! (It'd link to it, but it's $4.95 to read the full article. If I remember correctly, one librarian interviewed for the piece likened Susan Patron to Howard Stern, going for "shock value." Whoa.)

If you didn't happen to listen to Talk of the Nation yesterday, click here to hear Patron, Conan, and number of callers weigh in on what's appropriate in children's books, censorship, and our friend the scrotum. (I think Patron was pretty awesome in this interview.)

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