Friday, January 11, 2008

New CWIM Listing: Razorbill...

Penguin YA imprint Razorbill has not previously appeared in CWIM. Below is information on the imprint. (See my interview with President and Publisher Ben Shrank here.)

Penguin Group, 345 Hudson Street, New York NY 10014. Imprint estab. 2003. (212)414-3448. Fax: (212)414-3343. E-mail: Web site: Specializes in fiction. Acquisitions: Laura Schechter, Editorial Assistant; Kristen Pettit, Lexa Hillyer, Jessica Rothenberg. Publishes 10 middle readers/year; 30 young adult titles/year. "This division of Penguin Young Readers is looking for the best and the most original of commercial contemporary fiction titles for middle grade and YA readers. A select quantity of nonfiction titles will also be considered."
Fiction Middle Readers: adventure, animal, contemporary, graphic novels, fantasy, humor, problem novels. Young adults/teens: adventure, animal, contemporary, fantasy, graphic novels, humor, multicultural, suspense. Average word length: middle readers--40,000; young adult--60,000. Recently published Spud, by John Van de Ruit (ages 12 and up, South Africa's fastest selling book); Thirteen Reason Why, by Jay Asher (ages 14 and up, a suspenseful psychological thriller); Those Girls, by Sara Lawrence (ages 13 and up, a peek at the privileged lives of fabulous private school seniors).
Nonfiction Middle readers: activity books, arts/crafts, biography, cooking, health, how-to. Young adults/teens: biography, concept, health, how-to.
How to Contact/Writers Submit outline/synopsis and 3 sample chapters. Responds to queries/mss in approx. 8 weeks. Publishes a book 1-2 years after acceptance. Will consider e-mail submissions and simultaneous submissions.
Terms Offers advance against royalties. Authors see galleys for review. Catalog available online at
"New writers will have the best chance of acceptance and publication with original, contemporary material that boasts a distinctive voice and well-articulated world. Check out to get a better idea of what we're looking for."

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