Thursday, March 20, 2008

Stuff I've Been Bad at Lately...

  • I continue to be a bad blogger. But I'm being a good editor! I'm hard at work on the 2009 CWIM (and a few of our other Market Books, too). I've been working on my great lineup of feature articles and interviews and of course updating listings (which seems to be a never-ending job). So I haven't been posting much lately.
  • I've also been a bad monitor of MySpace. I logged into my MySpace page today after not doing so for months, and I had a bunch of friend requests and a bazillion messages. If you've written me or sent me a friend request and I haven't replied, I'm not ignoring you, I'm just über-busy. (I'm sure many an editor with a slush pile on her desk would say the same thing.) (Also note that I was shocked to visit my MySpace page and see that I'm 40. It's only been a few weeks and I'm still getting used to it.)
  • I'm also a bad newsletter sender. Those of you who subscribe to my newsletter (if you don't and you'd like to, click here) may have noticed that I have yet to send my March CWIM newsletter. Well there are still eleven days left in the month, and on one of those days you'll find a CWIM newsletter in your inbox. That means I'll be posting lots of newsletter corresponding stuff on my blog next week, including an interview with my March Debut Author of the Month.
Albert Einstein said: If a cluttered desk signs a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?

This is sort of what my desk looks like these days. Can you imagine what it's like inside my head?

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